Prepare for Tomorrow’s Risks Today

Prepare for Tomorrow’s Risks Today

The concept of expecting the unexpected continues to serve insurance brokers and agents well as we move into the years to come. Why? Because preparing for potential risks in the future is your sweet spot. It is no secret that substantial challenges have found many...

How to Use a Football in Your Broker Playbook

How to Use a Football in Your Broker Playbook

Vince Lomardi had a way with words and though he was a genius at strategy, he always took the time to work on the basics. To start out every season, he would gather the players around for the first preseason meeting. There, he would give his famous “This is a...

We Are Updating Our Online Access Agreements

We Are Updating Our Online Access Agreements

When your agency began doing business with Syndicated Resource Group Holdings, Inc. or created access to the online services, you reviewed and accepted our marketing and user agreements.   We are revising the agreements with updated terms and conditions, effective...