How Insurance Brokers Can Build Customer Relationships
Whether you’re a insurance broker or agent, selling is a continual cycle. To sell insurance, you need customers. To get customers, you need to build relationships and network. To build relationships with people, you sometimes feel like you need a degree in psychology....
Successful Insurance Sales
Selling insurance is an art that you have to hone and develop continuously. This occurs by practicing your craft and using a variety of ways to find prospective customers, develop a rapport and showcase the value you bring to them. Since technology has filled the...
Focus on the Value – Not the Price
These days it is challenging to sell products and services to people. Your competition is not just the insurance broker down the street. You’re also competing with the wealth of instant information your prospective customers can access on their computers, smartphones,...
Never Stop Learning
You want to be successful in your insurance business. Some agents dive in feet first and cross their fingers as they wish for success. Other brokers make a plan and follow it. With either approach, most of us check the box: project/business launch completed. And we...
Drive Sales with Faster Submissions: Free “How To” Webinar
Brokers and agents save time and money by joining Syndicated Insurance Resources...for free. Why? Because we provide you with one point of contact to access multiple programs and carriers. You also get higher-than-average commissions. Our partnership with...
Set Your Agency Apart from Your Competitors
"The squeaky wheel gets the grease." “Shine your light so bright, and no one will need a telescope to see you.” “Be the one to stand out in the crowd.” "You'll never influence others by being like everyone else." You've heard these sayings. You know...