What Makes Our Company Successful?

What makes a company successful? It’s the people.

It is our mission to find out more about the abilities of each person we are associated with professionally and personally.

Our company is always looking for great people with a passion for success. We have built the company around the strengths of our people.

When you build a company around people and judge the success of the company based on individuals, you have something special. A company is nothing more than a vehicle for the success of employees, partners, clients and vendors.

I know we’re standing in front of a vintage Rolls in this photo but if you know us, you know we’re more comfortable in beach attire and driving a truck.

A special thank you to everyone who has contributed to the success of this company. We look forward to growing the company family and emerging into a position of market leadership. We believe that we are only as good as the people we associate with and we’ve been so fortunate to work with some of the best people in the world.

News Release: PEO Workers’ Compensation Program

Syndicated Services is proud to announce its new PEO Workers’ Compensation Program for those PEOs domiciled in the Southeastern US. We have coverage with State National (AM Best A VIII).

The carrier is willing to consider business up to Hazard Code F and even some transportation risks. The PEO may not be required to terminate its existing program. This is designed to enhance the PEO’s marketing and permit it to consider risks it may have passed up in the past.

The Syndicated Management Team has over a century of Insurance/PEO underwriting expertise and has been together for over 20 years.

North American Risk Services will provide claims handling. They have an extensive background working with PEO’s, which makes them a perfect fit for the program. In addition, we have a dedicated adjustor who will oversee the program and act as a liaison for the PEO as needed. This is a Guaranteed Cost Program with a pay-as-you-go payment plan.