Every small business owner needs to manage risk, and obtaining commercial insurance is one of the best ways to do that. But finding the right coverage can be overwhelming, especially for those who have never purchased coverage before. Here are three things to consider.

Consider what is legally required.  Buying business insurance may be a necessity, depending on your location, industry, state, clients and lenders. For example, businesses with employees must generally carry workers’ compensation insurance. Clients may require that you carry professional liability coverage or errors and omissions insurance. And if you’re renting office space, your landlord may require you to buy a general liability policy, which covers third-party lawsuits over bodily injury or property damage.

Understand your industry’s risks.  Because every industry is different, the risks to a business often depend on its industry. For example, an accountant should worry about liability if a mistake is made completing a client’s taxes; a restaurateur should worry about a diner contracting food poisoning.

Learn what might affect your costs.  Your location, the type and size of your business, and the assets you are insuring may all affect the premium you pay for coverage. While you can’t control many of these things, you can take some steps to help keep your premiums down, such as creating a safe work environment, vetting employees carefully, and not allowing your coverage to lapse.

Call or email us today to schedule some time to review your insurance needs.