Generating leads is key to your success in insurance. The more leads that come across your desk, the more you increase your chance of making a sale.

Let’s face it, getting a lead and converting it into a sale takes a lot of work. Being successful requires many steps from lead generation to fact-finding interviews to the quoting process to closing the deal. We’ll spend time covering each step in the process in future blog posts.

For now, let’s start at the beginning by exploring a few easy ways to generate leads that you may not have previously explored.

Here are five ways to generate leads you may want to check out:

  • Ask Existing Clients: Reach out to your current list of customers. Tell them type of people you’d like them to introduce to you. Then ask to them make the introduction. It is that simple. Connect, define, ask. Send your client a handwritten thank you note. Be sure to include a gift card to Starbucks or something similar.


  • Find Closing Agencies: Reach out to an agent who is retiring or changing careers. Ask them if you can buy their list from them. Make sure you give them a fair cash offer. Work the list by sending out handwritten introduction notes. If you’re pressed for time, you can send emails to the list but send the introduction emails one by one and make them personal and engaging.


  • Revive Cold Leads: Use sales expert Jeff Shore’s 5+5+5 method. Send five handwritten notes to old leads. Reintroduce yourself, reconnect and let them know you’ll be calling to see how you can help each other. Wait five days and then call the people you sent the note to five days earlier. Repeat this process for five days. You’ll be surprised how many people say “I’m glad you called.”


  • Upgrade Your Online Presence: Everything is online today. Make sure you have a professional website that makes it easy for people to understand what you offer and how to connect with you. Build a presence on LinkedIn and/or Facebook, too. Whatever you do, make sure you keep everything current and up-to-date.


  • Register and Attend Our Webinar: We’re giving away ten free leads to every person who registers and attends our 30-minute “How To” webinar. Attending this webinar is a no-brainer because you learn how to use a FREE tool that automates your ACORDS and gets your quotes faster. The next webinar is Thursday, Aug. 31 at 2 p.m. ETLearn more about the webinar. Sign up today!