Generating quality leads for your insurance agency can be a daunting task. Some people find prospects easily, while others experience mediocre success or even failure. The bottom line is one must learn to prospect effectively or you won’t succeed.
The key to being successful is to establish a system with goals. There are many concepts about the best way to find prospects. If you’re not careful, you can jump from one thing to the next, not do any one correctly and be left without reaching your goals. Stop spinning your wheels.
One-size-fits-all does not apply to prospecting Create your best routine #Insurance #Broker Share on XOne-size-fits-all does not apply to prospecting. Start by doing some research. Begin by collecting a bank of prospecting ideas. Keep adding to that list over time. Along the way, try out one or two of the ideas. Really apply yourself and get behind the concept so you can determine which prospecting tip works best for you.
Put the idea that didn’t generate much traffic in your parking lot to revisit and test at another time in the future. Move onto the next couple of ideas in your collection of tricks. Repeat the process of elimination until you’re left with a handful of solid prospecting methods that work well for you.
Turn your list of tested techniques into a routine. Remember it takes 21 days to build a habit. This concept applies to your new prospecting routine, too.
Schedule a set time to work on prospecting each week. You may block out an hour first thing in the morning every day. Or you may spend two hours every other day. Whatever works best for your schedule – make it an appointment on your calendar that you keep. Don’t move it for anyone.
Break the time up into set steps. For example, if you block out an hour – spend the first 20 minutes planning, the next 20-40 minutes can be spent actually making those calls, doing the social posts, sending out emails. The key is to establish a structure and routine so it becomes less cumbersome and flows.
Over time you may want to tweak what you do and how you do it. You may find that you can revisit that list of prospecting ideas to add a new one into your mix. The idea is intentionally set prospecting goals and follow-through.
Want a list of prospecting tips that might work for you? Click here to download our “Top Ten Prospecting Tips” printable PDF.