A Guide on How to Achieve Big Dreams
Ever made a New Year’s resolution that you then worry is unrealistic? The good news is there’s no such thing. Here are five steps for following the dreams you really want to achieve.

Picture your dream clearly. Focus on what your dream is. Picture it as fully and vividly as possible, and then write down exactly what you see and how you see it. Research from Dominican University’s Dr. Gail Matthews has shown people who write their goals down are 42% more likely to achieve them.

Ignore any negativity coming your way. A marathon runner is far more likely to take advice from someone who’s run a marathon than an armchair-dwelling naysayer. Take feedback from those who want you to achieve your dreams, not those who’d rather shoot you down.

Surround yourself with positive influences. Now that you’ve filtered out the negative ideas and people who’d seek to hold you back, it’s time to fill your headspace with stories and people who have achieved supposedly “unrealistic” dreams. Finding strong role models for yourself is a powerful way to break away from any limiting beliefs you may have previously had.

Spend a moment in your future self’s shoes. Think about what kind of life you’d like to look back on when you’re nearing the end. Do you want to have stories to tell, or would you rather have the regrets of not having tried? Even knowing that you did your best will leave you with a much more positive outlook.

Take action! A bodybuilder doesn’t gain muscle by just thinking about lifting weights or reading weightlifting magazines. Once you know what you want, put the tangible work in to start achieving.