You sell something everyone needs – insurance. Businesses rely on you to provide advice about the various types of coverage and the options that might work best for them.

Selling insurance sounds easy enough. Unfortunately, you’re not the only one offering insurance policies; especially with more than 1.6 million agents and brokers in the U.S. This means you have to find ways to stand apart from your competitors.

Companies looking for coverage typically move quickly and pay attention to the first broker that gets back to them with the best-fit product and premium. Employers like to shop around for the best deal to make their funds last.

Your Competition is Fierce

Once you know what type of coverage an employer is seeking – you invest time shopping for policy options that meet both their needs and budget. But to do this well, a good deal of knowledge about which carriers offer the types of coverage your clients need is required.

Let’s face it—insurance is complicated. Further adding to the complexity, insurance coverage options vary from state to state AND from company to company within the same state. You really must know what you’re doing, where to access options and how to explain the policies to keep afloat.

With so many policy options available, you have to be on your A-game to have a seat at the table and get your options selected.

The old process for getting quotes involves filling out forms and making phone calls to get quote options. This approach is time-consuming and costly because you can jump through all the hoops and quickly lose the opportunity to someone else.

Stop Manual Processes – Automate Your Market Access

In today’s technology-based society, there are many ways to use technology to get your quotes faster.

The key is finding the right combination of tools that help you quickly access a vast array of markets and unique offerings that you can potentially offer your customers.

You can sign up for a free account to do just that at Syndicated Insurance Resources. Yes, FREE. We help you save time and money because you upload one ACORD and access more than 150 markets within minutes.

By using our system, your time filling out forms and making phone calls to carriers becomes a thing of the past.

Using technology makes the process of quoting and responding to customers faster. In turn, you are guaranteed to get a seat at the table and grow your business.

By using Syndicated, you can even get higher than average commissions.

To Grow or Not to Grow – The Choice is Yours

You can continue to spin your wheels using the tired, laborious manual processes. Or you can streamline what you do and how you do it quickly and easily.

The choice is yours. Are you going to let your competitors win the business you desire? Or are you going to make use of free services that can help you get quotes faster?

Sign Up Today!

Already signed up and don’t know how to make the most out of it? Call us at 877.333.8195 or email us today.